How to Install Any WordPress Theme From Scratch: A Step-by-Step Guide

March 25, 2024

Are you looking to give your WordPress site a fresh new look? Installing a theme is a great way to change the appearance of your website without altering the underlying content. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of installing a WordPress theme, both from the WordPress theme directory and by uploading a theme manually.

Step 1: Accessing Your WordPress Dashboard

Before you can install a theme, you’ll need to log in to your WordPress dashboard. You can do this by adding /wp-admin to the end of your website’s URL (e.g., Enter your username and password to proceed.

Step 2: Adding a New Theme

Once you’re in the dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Themes. Here you’ll see all the themes you currently have installed on your site. To add a new theme, click the Add New button at the top of the page.

Step 3: Installing a Theme from the WordPress Theme Directory

If you’re looking to use a free theme from the WordPress theme directory, you can easily find one by using the search bar or by browsing through the featured, popular, or latest themes.

Using the Search Function:

  • Type in a keyword, author, or tag in the search bar.
  • Preview the theme by clicking on Preview.
  • To install, click on Install.

Once the theme is installed, click Activate to make it the current theme of your WordPress site.

Step 4: Uploading a Theme Manually

If you’ve purchased a theme or downloaded a free one from outside the WordPress theme directory, you’ll need to upload it manually.

  • From the Add Themes page, click the Upload Theme button at the top.
  • Click on Choose File and navigate to the .zip file you downloaded for your theme.
  • Select the file and click Install Now.

After your theme is installed, click Activate to apply it to your site.

Step 5: Customizing Your Theme

With your theme installed, you can start customizing it to your liking:

  • Navigate to Appearance > Customize.
  • Here you can modify various settings like colors, font choices, and layout options, depending on the customization options provided by your installed theme.

Step 6: Further Theme Settings

Some themes offer additional settings and options which can be accessed directly from the WordPress dashboard, typically under Appearance or in their own dedicated section. Look for the name of your theme or its settings tab to explore further customization.

Common Issues and Solutions

  • Theme Upload Failed: Make sure the .zip file you are uploading does not contain additional folders. It should directly contain the theme files.
  • Memory Limit: If you receive a memory limit error, you may need to increase the PHP memory limit. You can often do this from your hosting control panel or by editing the wp-config.php file.


Installing a new WordPress theme can dramatically change the look and feel of your site. By following these simple steps, you can install and customize a WordPress theme with ease. Remember to always back up your site before making major changes, and enjoy giving your website a stunning new appearance!

For more insights into WordPress management and design tips, keep reading our blog or subscribe to our newsletter. Happy theming!

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