How to Install WordPress Plugin; 3 Ways easy Ways

March 25, 2024

WordPress, the most used content management system worldwide for creating self-hosted websites, may be your choice if you are not already using it. But do you know how to install a WordPress Plugin?

The process of adding WordPress Plugins to your website is very simple, no matter which method you choose — and there are many options! The best part is that once your Plugin is installed, you can start building a high-quality website right away.

In today’s article, we will discuss how to install a WordPress Plugin. Let’s get started!

Where to Find WordPress Plugins? (Both Free and Paid)

Learning how to install a WordPress Plugin on your website doesn’t have to be difficult. What’s difficult is choosing the right Plugin for your needs. But before we look at what you need to get it done successfully, let’s take a look at where you can get WordPress Plugin.

Currently, the WordPress repository is one of the most common places where you can find reliable and free plugins and Plugins to enhance the design and functionality of your WordPress website. There are just over 7,500+ Plugins in the WordPress repository.

Additionally, marketplaces like MOJO Marketplace, CSS Igniter, and StudioPress also have various free and premium Plugins available for WordPress users. Apart from that, the most famous Plugin market to date is Dtb firmware, which currently has over 47,000+ WordPress Plugins to choose from.

How to Choose the Right WordPress Plugin?

So, you’ve decided that you’ll build your website on WordPress – great choice! Now comes the fun part: choosing the right Plugin to get the look your site needs. With so many options, it can be a little overwhelming, but have no fear! Here’s a friendly guide to help you navigate the world of WordPress Plugins.

  • Regular Updates: The online world is always changing, and your Plugin should keep pace with it. Choose a Plugin that receives regular updates from its developers so that it remains compatible with the latest WordPress version and top-notch security.
  • SEO-Friendly: Good SEO practices are extremely important for better visibility. Your Plugin should be coded with SEO in mind, making it easy for search engines to understand and rank your content.
  • Customer Support: Even the best Plugins can encounter hiccups. Check to see if the Plugin comes with compatibility with customer support. It’s a relief to have help when you need it.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Before you commit, see what other users’ reviews and ratings say. This can provide insight into potential issues or the overall performance of the Plugin.

Remember, choosing a WordPress Plugin is like choosing an outfit for your website. It should reflect your style, be comfortable, and give you the confidence to self-communicate. So, take your time, explore your options, and enjoy giving your website its unique look! Happy theming!

How to Install a Free WordPress Plugin?

Absolutely! Installing a free WordPress Plugin is very easy, and I’m here to guide you through the process. Follow these simple steps, and you’ll have a fresh new vision for your website in no time!

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard: Add “/wp-admin” to your domain to go to the admin area of your website (for example, Enter your username and password to log in.
  • Go to the “Plugins” section: Once logged in, find the “Administration” tab in the left-hand menu and hover over it. Click “Plugin” from the dropdown menu.
  • Click “Add New”: On the Plugins page, see the “Add New” button above. By clicking on this you will go to the Plugin repository.
  • Search Plugin: You will be taken to a page with different Plugins. You can use the search box or browse through the options to find a specific Plugin.When you find a Plugin you like, hover over it so the “Install” button appears.
  • Install Plugin: Click the “Install” button, and WordPress will take care of downloading and installing thePlugin for you.
  • Activate Plugin: When the Plugin is installed, the “Install” button will change to “Activate”.Click “Activate” to activate the Plugin on your website.
  • Customize your Plugin (optional): After activation, you may want to further customize your Plugin. You can do this by going to “Settings” > “Customize.”Here, you can modify various aspects of your Plugin, such as colors, fonts, and layout.
  • Preview your changes: Before saving any changes, you can preview how your site will look with the new Plugin. This allows you to make adjustments without affecting the live site.
  • Save and publish: If you’re satisfied with the changes, click “Save & Publish” so they go live on your website.

That’s it, you have successfully installed and activated the free WordPress Plugin. Enjoy your fresh website! If you have any questions or encounter any issues, don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance. Happy blogging!

How to Install a Premium WordPress Plugin?

So, you have a new premium WordPress Plugin, and now you’re eager to give it a new look to your website. It’s very easy to install – just follow these simple steps:

  • Download your Plugin: First, download the Plugin files from where you purchased them. The file usually comes in .zip format.
  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard: Go to the backend section of your WordPress site. You can do this by adding “/wp-admin” to the end of your website’s URL and logging in.
  • Add new Plugin: At the top of the page, you’ll be asked to “Add New.” Click on it.
  • Upload Plugin: You will see an option to select a Plugin from the WordPress department or upload your own. Since you have a premium Plugin, click “Upload Plugin”.
  • Select file: Click the “Choose File” button, locate and select the .zip file you downloaded earlier.
  • Install now: When you have selected your file, click the “Install Now” button. WordPress will upload and install the Plugin for you.
  • Activate your Plugin: Once the installation is complete, you will see an option to activate the Plugin. Click on it, – your premium Plugin is now live on your site!
  • View your site: Visit your website to make sure everything looks as expected. If there are any issues, double-check the installation steps or check the Plugin documentation for troubleshooting.

And here’s yours! You have successfully installed a premium WordPress Plugin and given a great look to your site. Enjoy new features and design elements!

How to Install a WordPress Plugin Using FTP?

You have a great WordPress Plugin you’re eager to use, but the typical installation just doesn’t cut it. do not worry! Let’s dive into the world of FTP and install that Plugin. Follow these steps and you’ll be customizing your site.

  • Get your Plugin: First, make sure that you have downloaded the Plugin you want to install. It usually comes in a nice zip file. Keep it at hand.
  • Get an FTP Client: FTP sure sounds simple, but it’s just a way to transfer files between your computer and your web server. Get an FTP client – FileZilla is a popular one, and it’s free. Download it and open it.
  • Connect to your server: Once in FileZilla, you will need to connect to your web server. Enter your FTP credentials (you can get these from your hosting provider), and click ‘QuickConnect’. Now, you are linked up!
  • Find Your WordPress Directory: In the right panel of FileZilla, you’ll see your server’s files. Go to where you installed WordPress, this is usually something like ‘public_html’ or ‘www’. Double-click to enter.
  • Find the ‘Plugins’ folder: Inside your WordPress directory, find the ‘wp-content’ folder. Click on it, and inside, you can find the ‘TPlugins’ folder.
  • Upload your Plugin: Remember that zip file of your awesome Plugin? Unzip it on your computer. Now, select the Plugins folder, and drag it to the ‘Plugins’ folder in FileZilla Watch those files!
  • Activate your Plugin: Now that your Plugin is saved in the ‘Plugin’ folder, go to your WordPress dashboard. Go to ‘Appearance’ -> ‘Plugins’. You should see your newly uploaded Plugin. Click ‘Activate’!

You did it! Your WordPress Plugin is now installed using FTP. Congratulate yourself and have fun making your site look great! If you have any questions, ask questions. Be happy!

In summary, installing a WordPressPlugin is a user-friendly process that offers a multitude of options for customization. Whether choosing from the WordPress repository, marketplaces, or premium platforms, users can personalize their website to suit their needs.

For a seamless experience, follow the step-by-step instructions provided for installing both free and premium Plugins through the WordPress dashboard or using FTP. Empower your website with the right Plugin, reflecting your style and ensuring optimal functionality.

Ready to transform your website? Follow the guide and enjoy the process of giving your site a fresh, unique look. Happy theming!

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